Publication and Conference

2023- 2024 Publication and Conference

  1. Mahanta, R., Saha, P., & Choudhury, B. A. (2023). An inclusive study of lightning at various temporal resolutions over North East India using hi-res satellite data. International Journal of Climate Research, 7(1), 46–66.
  2. Saha, P., Mahanta, R. & Goswami, B.N. Present and future of the South Asian summer monsoon’s rainy season over Northeast India. npj Clim Atmos Sci 6, 170 (2023).
  3. Das, S., Goswami, D.J., Mahanta, R., Saha, P. & Goswami, B.N. (2024) Dynamics of May ‘onset’ of Indian summer monsoon over Northeast India. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1–17.
  1. Goswami, B. N., Saha, P., The Quasi-Biweekly Mode of Variability of the South Asian Monsoon. In Atmospheric Oscillations: Sources of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Variability and Predictability. Elsevier. ISBN-10‏: ‎ 0443156387, ISBN-13‏: ‎ 978-0443156380 (Book chapter; under review).


2022 Publications

  1. Saha, P., Mahanta, R., Rajesh, P. V., &Goswami, B. N. (2022). Persistent Wet and Dry Spells of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall: A Reexamination of Definitions of 'Active' and 'Break' Events.,Journal of Climate.
  2. B. N. Goswami, D. Chackraborty, P. V. Rajesh and A. Mitra, 2022: Predictability of South Asian Monsoon Rainfall Beyond the Legacy of  Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA), npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, (2022) 5:58 ;
  3. Dhruba J. Goswami, K. Ashok and B. N. Goswami, 2022: Local Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in Indian Summer Monsoon Multi-Decadal Variability, Climate  Dynamics,
  4. Rajesh, P. V., &Goswami, B. N. (2022). A new emergent constraint corrected projections of Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096671. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021GL096671
  5. SuneetDwivedi · Pushpa Pandey · B. N. Goswami, 2022: Nonstationarity and potential multi‑decadal variability in Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall and Southern Annular Mode teleconnection, Climate Dynamics,
  6. Pandey, P., Dwivedi, S., &Goswami, B. N. (2022). Trend and variability in he long-term relationship between Eurasian snow cover and Indian summer monsoon rainfall.International Journal of Climatology , 1– 15.
  7. ProlaySaha, B. Abida. Choudhury, Rahul Mahanta; An Inclusive Study of Lightning at Various Temporal Resolutions over North East India using Hi-Res Satellite Data; International Journal of Climate Research (accepted under final Review)
  8. Mahanta, R., Saha, P., Yamane, Y. Long term changes in the Frequency of Local Severe Convective Storm; International Journal of Climatology (Under Review)



  1. Mahanta, R., Saha, P., Rajesh, P. v, Nandy, S., Zahan, Y., & Mahanta, A. (2021). Reconstruction of a Long Reliable Daily Rainfall dataset for the Northeast India (NEI) for Extreme Rainfall Studies. J Earth SciClim Change, 12(9), 1–14.
  2. DipjyotiMudiar,AnupamHazra,S. D. Pawar,Rama Krishna Karumuri,MahenKonwar,SubrataMukherjee,M. K. Srivastava,EarleWilliams,B. N. Goswami, 2021: Role of Electrical Effects in Intensifying Rainfall Rates in the Tropics, Geophys. Res. Letters. First published: 28 December 2021,
  3. Mudiar, Dipjyoti, S.D. Pawar, A. Hazra, V. Gopalkrishnana, D. M. Lal, K. Chakravarty, M.A. Domkawale, M. K. Srivastava, B. N. Goswami, E.R. Williams, 2021: Lightning and precipitation: The possible electrical modification of observed raindrop size distributizons, Atmospheric Research,
  4. Zahan Yasmin & Rahul Mahanta & P. V. Rajesh &B. N. Goswami, 2021: Impact of climate change on North-East India (NEI) summer monsoon rainfall, Climatic Change
  5. Choudhury, B.A., Rajesh, P.V., Zahan, Y. and B. N. Goswami. Evolution of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall simulations from CMIP3 to CMIP6 models. ClimDyn (2021).
  6. Zahan Yasmin, P. V. Rajesh, B. AbidaChoudhuri and B. N. Goswami, 2021: Why Indian summer Monsoon Circulation Indices? Fidelity in Representing Rainfall Variability and Teleconnections, Q. J. Roy. Met. Soc.,
  7. Rajesh, P. V. B. N. Goswami, B. Abida Choudhury and Yasmin Zahan, 2021: Large Sensitivity of Simulated Indian Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) to Global Warming: Implications of ISMR Projections, J. Geophys. Res. doi: 10.1029/2020JD033511 .
  8. Even and odd nonautonomous NLSE hierarchy and reversible transformations; Optik; Volume 247, December 2021, 167928



  1. Borah, P. J., V. Venugopal, J. Sukhatme, P. Muddebihal and B. N. Goswami, 2020: Indian Monsoon Derailed by a North Atlantic Wavetrain, Science, doi:10.1126/science.aay6043
  2. Saha, S. K., Hazra, A., Pokhrel, S.,Chaudhari, H. S., Rai, A., Sujith, K.,H. Rahaman and B. N. Goswami (2020). Reply to comment by E. T. Swenson, D. Das, and J. Shukla on “Unraveling the mystery of indian summer monsoon prediction: Improved Estimate of predictability limit”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,125, e2020JD033242.
  3. Pandey, Pushpa, SuneetDwivedi, B. N. Goswami, and Fred Kucharski, 2020: A new perspective on ENSO-Indian summer monsoon rainfall relationship in a warming environment. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-020-05452-7
  4. B.A. Choudhury, B.N. Goswami, Yasmin Zahan, P.V. Rajesh, 2020: Seasonality in power law scaling of convective and stratiform rainfall with lightning intensity over Indian Monsoon regions, Atmospheric Research 248 (2021) 105265,
  5. Rajesh, P.V., Goswami, B.N., 2020: Four-dimensional structure and sub-seasonal regulation of the Indian summer monsoon multi-decadal mode. ClimDyn (2020).
  6. B. N. Goswami and Neena Joseph Mani, 2020: Prediction, Predictability, and Multi-Decadal Variability of the South Asian Monsoon, Chap.7 in The Multiscale Global Monsoon System (4th ed.), Edited by C. P. Chang et al., by World Scientific Publishing Co. pp 79-88.


  1. Mahanta, R., Yamane, Y. Climatology of Local Severe Convective Storms (LSCS) in Assam, India; International Journal of Climatology, 2019,  40(1) 326-362 DOI: 10.1002/joc.6250
  2. AnupamHazra, Hemantkumar S. Chaudhari, Subodh K. Saha, Samir Pokhrel, Ushnanshu Dutta, B. N. Goswami 2019:  Role of cloud microphysics in improved simulation of the Asian monsoon quasi‑biweekly mode (QBM) Climate Dynamics,
  3. RajibChattopadhaya, S. K. Dixit and B. N. Goswami, 2019: Modal Rendition of ENSO Diversity, Scientific Reports,
  4. Suryachandra Rao, B. N. Goswami et al., 2019: Monsoon Mission: A targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales,  Bulletin of American Meteorological Society (BAMS), © 2019 American Meteorological Society, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0330.1
  5. Nitesh Sinha, S. Chakraborty, Rajib Chattopadhyay, B.N. Goswami, P.M. Mohan, Dipak K. Parua, DipankarSarma, AmeyDatye, S. Sengupta, SubirBera, K.K. Baruah, 2019: Isotopic investigation of the moisture transport processes over the Bay of Bengal, Journal of Hydrology, (
  6. K. Sujith, Subodh Kumar Saha, Archana Rai, Samir Pokhrel, Hemantkumar S. Chaudhari,AnupamHazra, Raghu Murtugudde, B. N. Goswami, 2019: Effects of a Multilayer Snow Scheme on the Global Teleconnections of the Indian Summer Monsoon, Q. J. Roy. Meterol. Soc. DOI: 10.1002/qj.3480
  7. Subodh K. Saha, AnupamHazra, Samir Pokhrel, Hemantkumar S. Chaudhari and B. N. Goswami, 2019: Unraveling the Mystery of Indian Summer Monsoon Prediction: Improved Estimate of Predictability Limit, J. Geophys.Res. (Atmospheres),  doi: 10.1029/2018JD030082


  1. KaustavChakravarty, Samir Pokhrel, Mahesh Kalshetti1, Anish Kumar Muralidharan Nair, Madhu Chandra R. Kalapureddy, Sachin M. Deshpande, Subrata Kumar Das, GovindanPandithurai, and B N Goswami, 2018 : Unraveling of cloud types during phases of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations by a Ka-band Doppler weather radar. AtmosSci Lett.
  2. Mudiar,D.,  S. Pawar, A. Hazra, M. Konwar, V. Gopalakrishnan, M.K. Srivastava and B.N. Goswami, 2018: Quantification of observed electrical effect on the raindrop size distribution in tropical clouds , Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , DOI: 10.1029/2017JD028205



  1. Toru Terao, Mahanta R,….. Direct Validation of TRMM/PR Near Surface Rain over the Northeastern Indian Subcontinent Using a Tipping Bucket Raingauge Network; September 2017, SOLA, 2017, Vol. 13, 157−162, doi:10.2151/sola.2017-029
  2. Ankur Srivastava, Maheswar Pradhan, B. N. Goswami and Suryachandra A. Rao, 2017:Regime shift of Indian summer monsoon rainfall to a persistent arid state: external forcing versus internal variability, MeteorolAtmosPhys (2017).
  3. Hazra , Anupam, Hemantkumar S. Chaudhari , Subodh Kumar Saha , Samir Pokhrel1 and B. N. Goswami, 2017: Progress towards achieving the Challenge of Indian Summer Monsoon Climate Simulation in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model, J. Adv. Modeling Earth Systems, doi: 10.1002/2017MS000966
  4. Goswami B. N. and SoumiChakravorty, 2017:  Dynamics of the Indian Summer Monsoon Climate , Oxford Research Encyclopedia (Climate Science) ,doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.613
  5. A.K. Sahai, S. Sharmila, R. Chattopadhyay, S. Abhilash, S. Joseph, N. Borah, B. N. Goswami, D. S. Pai and A. K. Srivastava, 2017:Potential predictability of wet/dry spells transitions during extreme monsoon years: Optimism for dynamical extended range prediction, Nat Hazards (2017) 88: 853.